


学生应联络他们的 学生成功教练 决定他们是否有资格毕业.


TSC will automatically award degrees to students who have completed the requirements, 不需要申请毕业.

  • 每学期, 顾问会对每个有资格毕业的学生进行学位审核, 基于获得的总学分.
  • Students advisors will send an email to confirm the submission of the record for graduation.
  • 记录被审计后, students will be alerted to the findings through an email that indicates one of the following statuses:
状态 解释
满足所有要求 你已经完成了毕业的所有要求
等待需求 Upon completing your current enrollment, you will complete all requirements to graduate.
并非所有的要求都得到了满足 你必须完成额外的课程才能毕业.

Allow six weeks for processing following your email or the start of the semester.

学位 & 学院要求


  • Complete all required courses and semester credit hours for the specific degree or certificate
  • 达到最低累积绩点2.0 in all coursework completed at TSC (excluding developmental-level coursework)
  • Submit official transcripts of all coursework attempted at other colleges and universities
  • Earn a ‘C’ or better for all degree requirements for the technical program major in associate of applied science degree or certificate programs
  • Earn at least 25% of degree hours required for graduation in residency at TSC
  • 完成所有德州成功计划(TSI)的要求
  • Be in good academic standing at the end of the term in which you receive the degree.


在毕业的时候, students earning an associate’s degree will be recognized for sustained scholastic excellence by graduating with appropriate honors. 荣誉 are based on a student’s cumulative grade point average on all non-developmental undergraduate hours completed. 如果课程有重复, the last grade recorded will be used in determining the grade point average.


  • 最优等生:3.900-4.000
  • 优等成绩:3.700-3.899
  • 优等生:3名.500-3.699
恭喜蝎子! 我们为你骄傲,记住我们是天蝎之王!


Students who transfer to a university before graduating from 德州最南学院 can still earn an associate’s degree through reverse transfer. This process recognizes student accomplishments and awards the important credentials earned. This is an automated system for students who transfer to most Texas universities.


  • 让你的大学同意将你的成绩单发给TSC. 这是申请德克萨斯入学申请的一个选项, which is used for all public universities as well as some private institutions. (If you are unsure of whether you consented or if you have already graduated with a bachelor’s degree, 联系你的大学注册办公室.)
  • 每学期结束的时候, universities automatically send TSC a list of students who may qualify for an associate’s degree and approve sharing their transcripts.
  • TSC evaluates those students’ transcripts and notifies them of whether they have earned an associate’s degree.



  • 你至少获得了30个TSC学分
  • 你从TSC转到四年制学院或大学
  • You earned at least 60 credits, including coursework completed at your university


In addition to the automated process, students can request a reverse transfer degree audit anytime. 遵循以下步骤:

  • 让你大学的注册主任把成绩单寄给TSC
  • 使用TSC毕业申请表申请反向转学
  • TSC will notify you if you are eligible for an associate’s degree or whether you need to meet additional requirements


Following commencement, 招生及记录 will have diplomas available for pickup. 毕业生将太阳城赌场通过电子邮件收到接机通知.

If you prefer that we mail your diploma, please indicate this on your Candidate Information Card.




Payment must be made to at the TSC 收银员, located in the Oliveira 学生服务 Building. 更换或复制文凭的费用为25美元.00.




A formal graduation ceremony is held at the close of the regular fall and spring semesters. 夏季毕业的学生可以参加秋季毕业典礼. Students who have been determined eligible for graduation will be sent an email with a link to fill out a candidate information card.

Participation in commencement does not imply that students have graduated or will graduate with a degree/certificate.



  • 我真的不需要申请毕业吗?
  • 是的, TSC will automatically award degrees to students who have completed requirements without having to apply. 学生成功教练es run a degree audit each semester for each student who qualifies for graduation 基于获得的总学分. Advisor send students an email to confirm submission of their records for graduation. 学生应与顾问一起审查学位审核, 如果他们对要求有任何疑问.
  • 什么是考生信息卡?
    Once your record has been reviewed, you will receive an email with our findings.  在那封邮件里, you will receive a link where you can indicate whether you wish to attend commencement, 你想要出现在文凭上的名字, 以及毕业证的交付方式.
  • 我收到一封邮件,说我的成绩已经提交毕业申请了. 我什么时候能知道我是否有资格?
    The 毕业 Office reviews graduation candidates’ records throughout each semester.  取决于该学期的申请人数, 可能几周后你才会收到毕业状态邮件.
  • I have made changes to my courses for the semester (dropped and/or added); will 这影响了我的毕业状态?
    是的, depending on the timing of when the changes were made and which classes were dropped or added, 你的毕业状态可能会改变. 如果你有疑问, please confirm which courses were reviewed for your graduation status with the Office of Strategic Enrollment.
  • 有毕业典礼吗?
    是的, TSC在秋季和春季学期结束时举行毕业典礼. 详情请浏览毕业典礼网页. 参与并不代表你将获得学位.
  • 我可以参加典礼吗?
    TSC在秋季和春季学期结束时举行毕业典礼. 夏季毕业生被邀请参加秋季毕业典礼. Please indicate on your Candidate Information Card if you plan to attend the ceremony.
  • 我不打算参加典礼. 我还能获得文凭吗?
  • 我的名字会包括在毕业计划中吗?
    毕业 candidates for fall and spring who are on track to graduate during their respective semesters will have their names included in the program if they meet the deadline. 所有在夏季毕业的学生都将被列入秋季课程. The deadline to submit the Candidate Information Card is typically two weeks before the ceremony.
  • 我可以邀请多少客人?  船票发出了吗??
    我们不售票或预订座位. You may invite as many guests as you would like, however, there is limited seating.
  • 我该穿什么去参加婚礼?
    这个典礼是一件隆重的事.  请穿着得体。.  记住,长袍长度从膝盖到小腿. 休闲裤或及膝裙是合适的. 你可能要站一个小时或更长时间. 请穿舒适的鞋子.
  • 仪式持续多长时间?