Office of 制度研究



Open Records/Public Information Requests

Public Information Request Form

Under the Texas Public Information Act (Texas Government Code, Chapter 552), 每个人都有权获得有关政府事务以及公职人员和雇员的官方行为的完整信息, unless otherwise expressly provided by law. 公开记录请求是对德克萨斯州政府机构(如德克萨斯州西南大学)的文件或记录中包含的公共信息的请求.

All Open Records/Public Information Requests should be directed to:



 Research involving human subjects and to protect their rights and welfare, it must comply with the regulations set forth by the U.S. 卫生和人类服务部人类研究保护办公室. Proposals for research must be submitted to the Office of IEET via email at (电子邮件保护). No research is to begin until the 院校检讨委员会 已经采取行动.



What is the difference between an 内部资料要求(IDR), a Public Information Request (PIR), and an 院校检讨委员会 (IRB) request?
根据 内部资料要求(IDR) is intended for internal (campus) purposes. 这些类型的数据可能包括国家认证和内部初步数字(未认证)。. Examples of these types of requests include data for: Annual Reports, 资助(申请及截止), 制度的有效性 Plan, 制度研究, 市场营销, 规划, 项目评审, 品质提升计划, 和招聘. 提交这些类型的数据请求需要TSC凭证(电子邮件和密码). 

根据 Public Information Request (PIR) 只供对外使用吗. 这些类型的数据通常是由其他学院等外部机构要求的, 大学, 政府办公室, 私人公司. These requests (PIR) are submitted through the President’s Office. 当TSC成员(教职员工/学生)出于个人目的请求数据时,数据请求成为外部请求(PIR).g. 论文). 

任何涉及人类受试者的研究都受到美国法律法规的保护.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Human Research Protections, 45 CFR 46 (http://www).美国卫生和公众服务部.gov/ohrp/regulations-and-policy/regulations/45-cfr-46/index.html # 46.501). This type of research might include surveys (on human subjects). 涉及人类受试者的研究建议必须太阳城赌场通过TSC IEET部门提交审查和批准. No human subject research is to begin until the TSC 院校检讨委员会 已经采取行动.

How long will it take for me to receive the data I requested?
Not all data requests can be fulfilled. Requests will be fulfilled, if they fall in line with FERPA (, university, and office guidelines. 索取内部资料, at least three weeks is needed to fulfill most data requests, and a month’s notice for more in-depth analysis, such as those that will support grants or IRB-approved research studies. For Public Information Requests (PIR), 根据德克萨斯州政府法典第552章(http://statutes),有10天的周转时间.国会大厦.德州.gov / Docs /问/ htm /全球之声.552.htm). 

IR prioritizes state and federal reporting deadlines, as well as requests made by the college’s leadership. Depending on the time of year, some requests will take longer to fill.

Yes, changes will be appended to the original IDR. 用于跟踪目的, 将IDR门户设置为在每次提交数据请求时自动生成新的IDR号. Do not submit a new IDR for needed changes. 

What types of data can IR provide?
IR can fulfill most data requests related to student and faculty information. IR cannot fulfill requests related to staff nor 金融. 请伸出手来 TSC人力资源办公室 查阅员工资料. 

在大多数情况下,IR将太阳城赌场app下载提供数据与记录/行级数据的汇总摘要. 这一决定有助于我们太阳城赌场通过减少数据安全风险和数据滥用的机会来实现我们的目标,即成为数据的适当管理者. 

人口普查数据是指在学术周期的某一天获取的信息. This ensures consistency in how data are reported to the state, 这通常被认为是数据比较和情境化的标准. 根据州和联邦合规报告的要求,IR依赖于所有外部报告的人口普查数据. 学生报告的普查数据是在每个长学期(秋季和春季)的第12个上课日捕获的。, while the census data for faculty reporting is captured on November 1st. 

数字上的差异通常归结为数据源或定义的差异. Although IR often relies on census data to report numbers, some departments on campus have access to “live data” to address their needs, 特别是在他们可能需要最新信息的情况下. 您试图回答的问题通常决定了哪些数据源和定义最适合您的需求. 如果要对外太阳城赌场app下载提供数据,IR强烈建议使用人口普查数据. 

Where and when can I access course grade data?
Course grades are not accessible until after the 学期 ends. Before grades can become accessible, they must go through an extensive cross-departmental validation process. IR only publishes summaries of grade data for Fall and Spring 学期s.

Can IR help me with a survey project?
IR鼓励任何对调查项目感兴趣的人首先联系IEET, before committing to the endeavor. IEET can provide guidance on whether you should conduct a survey or not. IEET还可以为大学期望和与调查管理相关的最佳实践太阳城赌场app下载提供指导. 在某些情况下, 如果你的调查项目是为了评估你的大学经历,IEET可以帮你进行, 满足领导的认可, and align with university strategic initiatives. 

Why does IEET discourage some survey projects?
对学生和教师进行调查的频率可能比你意识到的要高. 调查疲劳是校园里的一个严重问题,我们正在努力改善这个问题. Survey projects should be taken as seriously, as any other research study. IEET is more likely to discourage a survey effort if the survey is: (a) poorly written; (b) does not align with college needs and initiatives; (c) does not have leadership support; and (d) shows no indication that proper methods are in place to protect the survey respondents’ data (such as a lack of 院校检讨委员会 approval). 

要了解有关调查最佳实践的更多信息,我们鼓励您访问的示例 最佳实践 through Washington State University available at http://surveys.威诺娜州立

Open Records/Public Information Requests

Under the Texas Public Information Act (Texas Government Code, Chapter 552), 每个人都有权获得有关政府事务以及公职人员和雇员的官方行为的完整信息, unless otherwise expressly provided by law. 公开记录请求是对德克萨斯州政府机构(如德克萨斯州西南大学)的文件或记录中包含的公共信息的请求.

ACGM 来自德克萨斯州高等教育数据的低级别学术课程指南手册.

煤层气 Reporting Manuals from the THECB, provides links to procedure manuals, 附录, 到期日期, 其他资源.

Degree Program (Clearinghouse) 欧洲中央银行的主要网站太阳城赌场app下载提供了可下载的机构学位课程.

FERPA, 《太阳城赌场》是一部保护学生教育记录隐私的联邦法律.


THECB术语表 from the Texas Higher ED Data contains online search options.

欧洲央行术语表 from the Educational Data Center is a PDF downloadable option.

WECM (Technical Course Inventory) from the THECB main website.

大学导航器 来自美国.S. 教育部允许您根据以前每年太阳城赌场通过爱浦多报告的数据对各机构进行比较.  These profiles include enrollment, cost, success, and completion data.

爱浦多  from the NCES is a primary source for information on US colleges, 大学, technical and vocational 机构.  It is a collection of data such as enrollment, 完成, 毕业率, 金融, 人力资源, and student financial aid just to name a few components.

LBB Data Resources for Performance Measures 反映已提交立法会预算委员会的最新资料.

LBB Higher Education Funding Formulas Trends 是否有按两年期探讨公式供资拨款的交互式仪表板, 机构, 机构类型, 或者公式基金.

欧洲央行问责制 tracks performance on critical measures like 毕业率, 学生债务, 成功点, 转移, and expenditures per FTE student.

THECB年鉴 provide annual institutional profiles.  欧洲央行收集的数据和指标包括大学预科和高等教育学生.

THECB Institutional Online Resumes 按机构类型(级别)、年份和类型太阳城赌场app下载提供二级机构的概述.  这些简历面向未来的学生、家长和公众.  They include enrollments, student costs, and measures of student success.

THECB Undergraduate Enrollment Dashboard 是否有一个交互式仪表板,可以按年跟踪两年制公立院校学术项目的入学数据, 学期, 分类和更多.