


第九条 要求“在美国的任何人不得, 以性别为基础, 被排除在…之外, 被剥夺…的利益, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance…” As such, 第九条 of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits discrimination based on the 性别 of students and employees of educational institutions that receive federal financial assistance. 德州西南学院受教育法第九条管辖.

Any member of the TSC community who believes he/she has been the victim of sex discrimination or sexual misconduct or who has witnessed such conduct should report such misconduct or file an informal or formal complaint with the College’s 第九条 coordinator. 1

Students who believe they have been or are victims of sex discrimination or 性骚扰, 包括校园内外的性侵犯或性暴力, 不管是大学员工, 合约服务雇员, 其他学生, 或者是非社区成员, are encouraged to request immediate personal support from any member of the Office of 学生服务 or the 第九条 Coordinator. 学生对其他学生的性侵犯投诉, 性暴力, or other sexual misconduct may be made on an informal or formal basis with the college’s 第九条 Coordinator or with TSC Security. All complaints received by TSC Security will be forwarded to the 第九条 Coordinator, 谁将确保进行适当的调查.

Employees who believe they are being harassed or discriminated against because of their 性别 should promptly make a report to the 第九条 Coordinator, 给他/她的主管, 给首席人力资源官, 校园校长, 或者学生服务副主席. 所有报告都要提交给员工的主管, 校园总统, 学生服务副总裁, 或TSC安全必须, 反过来, 应立即转交给第九条协调员.


幸存者也可以使用该表格请求支持. 除了, the information will be used so that TSC may strengthen education and prevention efforts related to 性侵犯, 约会暴力, 家庭暴力. 还将从所太阳城赌场app下载提供的资料中收集统计数据.

*记者和幸存者可能保持匿名. The report form need not include the survivor’s or the accused’s name unless the survivor or reporter chooses to include them. Filing an anonymous report will ensure that information is recorded if the survivor would like to file a complaint later. Survivors are encouraged to include their initials if they would like to file a formal complaint later, 虽然这不是必需的. 匿名举报不会导致警方调查.

参观 有关性侵犯的更多资料.


  1. TSC will apply its best efforts to protect all college community members from sex discrimination, 基于性别的骚扰, 性骚扰, 性侵犯, 性暴力.
  2. TSC will take affirmative and corrective action whenever the college becomes aware of possible sex discrimination, 性侵犯, 性暴力, 或大学社区内的其他性行为不端, 是否已提出投诉.
  3. 以履行其第九条义务并在可能的范围内, every effort will be made to keep the details of complaints confidential, 如果性行为不端的受害者要求这样做. Staff will follow the college’s procedures for conducting an investigation and recommendations. 然而, the college’s ability to strictly observe confidentiality may be compromised in cases where the safety of members of the college community is judged to be at risk.
  4. 所有大学社区成员的安全是重中之重.
  5. 对投诉进行内部调查, 然后就会做出决定, no matter the timeline or outcome of case adjudication by external authorities.


All educational institutions that receive federal financial assistance are required to adhere to 第九条 regulations. Even if only one of the institution’s programs or activities receives federal funding, all programs within the institution must comply with 第九条 regulations.


第九条 regulations prohibit sex discrimination in regard to all programs, including:

  • 课程设置,教室使用,评分和其他学术
  • 学生咨询和学术支持
  • hiring and retention of employees (staff, faculty, and administration)
  • 与工作相关的福利和休假
  • 怀孕

除了性别歧视, 第九条还禁止不当性行为, 包括性骚扰, 性别的骚扰, 性暴力. Additional information regarding  behaviors that may constitute 性骚扰 and other forms of sexual misconduct is available in TSC’s 第九条 Policy, 它的网站和学生手册上都有哪些信息.

第九条 serves to protect the rights of men and women and requires that males and females receive fair and equal treatment in all educational and employment areas.

第九条 also protects individuals who report sex discrimination and sexual misconduct from retaliation by individuals or institutions. The reporting of incidents of discrimination is integral to the effective enforcement of 第九条 law. Therefore, the protection of complainants, as well as the accused, is essential. Retaliation against any individual who reports or makes a complaint about a 第九条 violation will not be tolerated at TSC. The College will impose appropriate corrective action against any individual found to have engaged in acts or threats of retaliation.

符合标题ix -谁负责?
Certain employees of the college are required to report instances of alleged violations of 第九条. 没有例外, 如果员工不确定情况是否值得报告, 他/她必须寻求第九条协调员的指导. Institutions receiving federal financial assistance must operate in a nondiscriminatory manner. 确保学院遵守法律, 遵守第九条规定是每个人的责任. 在最极端的情况下, the penalty for failure to comply with 第九条 can include the termination of all or part of an institution’s federal funding, 包括助学金和学生贷款. It can also result in a college employee’s termination or a student’s dismissal.

The United States Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) enforces 第九条. 有关OCR的信息可在此找到 www.ed.gov /关于/办公室/ / ocr /索引列表.html.1 虽然制作报告没有一定的格式, any member of the TSC community may use the online reporting system or can contact the 第九条 coordinator for assistance. Any victim of sexual misconduct who would prefer to speak with someone and have the form completed on his/her behalf should contact the 第九条 coordinator.

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